60secondsdance 2017
60secondsdance competition 2018 is now open for entries!
Deadlinen extended to 18th January 2018 cl.23.59 (CET)
60secondsdance is a competition for dance films with the duration of one minute. The competition promotes the art form of dance film and gives dance filmmakers an online platform to showcase their work. The competition is co-produced by three partners: Loikka Dance Film Festival, Dansehallerne/ScreenMoves (DK) and DansiT (NO). With the Nordic collaboration we wish to increase the interest and broaden the awareness of dance films in general.
In 2018, for the fourth time, 60secondsdance competition seeks out the finest in one-minute dance films. The Finnish jury will select the Top10, Runner Up and winning films of the competition. The winners chosen by the jury will receive prizes. Audience members can also vote for their favourite through 60secondsdance.com web-site.
Finnish Jury 2018:
Kati Kallio (Artistic director of Loikka Dance Film Festival)
Otto Kylmala (Writer-director, Artistic Director of festivals, Curator, Critic)
Piia Nokelainen (Film Commissioner - The Finnish Film Foundation)
Tapani Rinne (Musician and Composer)
Read more and vote for your favourite: www.60secondsdance.com
In 2018, for the fourth time, 60secondsdance competition seeks out the finest in one-minute dance films. The Finnish jury will select the Top10, Runner Up and winning films of the competition. The winners chosen by the jury will receive prizes. Audience members can also vote for their favourite through 60secondsdance.com web-site.
Finnish Jury 2018:
Kati Kallio (Artistic director of Loikka Dance Film Festival)
Otto Kylmala (Writer-director, Artistic Director of festivals, Curator, Critic)
Piia Nokelainen (Film Commissioner - The Finnish Film Foundation)
Tapani Rinne (Musician and Composer)
Read more and vote for your favourite: www.60secondsdance.com
Cover photo: KEREN (2015, SE), Director: Graham Adey
Omnia (BR)
Vinícius Cardoso We do not share pains and failures. And so vanity is the price to be paid. Such a move made vanity a virtue, no longer the capital sin of pride. Bringing among its characteristics immortality. We are the civilization that put death aside. Density arising in the reference of Bosch's hell. With its collection of symbolic items. In the case of the scene referred to, there is the mirror. An object in which the medieval church, contemporary of the painter, warned that there was always a devil who inhabited it. |
SinkUp (GR)
Christos Xyrafakis Music and sound can create worlds that sometimes we don't realize they exist until somebody takes them away from us. It is only then that we start interpreting things differently.We start with a bear structure, dressed just by the ambient sound around us and then we proceed to veil the same structure with music. What is it trying to say when the music is absent? What's the meaning behind the music? Why are these people dancing?It's totally up to you to figure it out. |
The knowledge between us (AU)
Tara Jade Samaya & Pippa Samaya Kaunis, esteettinen ja samalla ironinen kuvaus kahden henkilön yhteydestä. Elokuvassa korostuu tanssillisuus ja visuaalisuus. Sen perus idea on tiivistetty taitavasti ja se hyödyntää tyylikkäästi elokuvan ja tanssin keinoja. The film is a beautiful, aesthetic yet ironic portrayal of the connection between two people. Dance and visuals are emphasized, the basic idea is skillfully condensed, and the film makes stylish use of the possibilities of both cinema and dance. |
Graham Adey (SE) Elokuvalla on vahva yhteiskunnallinen ja identiteettipoliittinen viesti, sen toteutus on oivaltava, rajattu aika on käytetty hyvin viestin välittämiseksi. Elokuvassa tehdyt valinnat asettavat päähenkilön ja hänen sanoman keskiöön koskettavalla tavalla. The film has a strong message both socially and in terms of the politics of identity. The execution is skillful and the limited time has been used well to convey the message. The choices made in the film place the main charater and message at the center in a way that is affecting for the viewer. |
Quiet... disquiet
Nunzio Impellizzeri (CH) Yleisö palkinnon voittaja saa voucherin joka kattaa Loikka festivaalin osallistumismaksun ja 2 festivaalipassai Loikka tanssielokuvafestivaalille 2018, Lisäksi elokuva on mukana 60secondsdance kiertuekokoelmaa. Audience Award winners will receive a voucher for the entry fee and 2 festival passes for the 10th Loikka Dance Film Festival, as well as be part of the winner compilation tour. |