M.A.D. Tanssimaisterit ry
MAD Production is a freelance-based contemporary dance association based in Helsinki, Finland. MAD was founded in 1995. During its nearly two decades of activity, MAD has grown into Finland’s leading dance film organization. MAD hosts the annual Loikka dance film festival, in addition to organizing numerous other projects including LoikkaPro workshops for dance and film professionals, outreach initiatives for youth and children, and the Kedja Wilderness residency programme in Finland.
Loikka-festivaalin taustayhdistys M.A.D. Tanssimaisterit ry (MAD) on Suomen johtava tanssielokuvan edustaja, joka toiminnallaan tukee tanssielokuvan monipuolista kehittymistä. Jäsenistömme koostuu tanssin ja elokuvan ammattilaisista. Jäsenistömme saa erilaisia etuja mm. Loikka-tanssielokuvafestivaalille ja pääsee mukaan kasvavaan verkostoon. Jäsenyys on maksutonta.
Jos haluat jäseneksi, niin laita yhteystietosi (osoite, puh.numero ja sähköpostiosoite) sekä lyhyesti miksi haluat jäseneksi osoitteeseen [email protected].
Board members / hallitus 2014
Sari Palmgren (pj./chairman)
Kimmo Alakunnas (varapj/vice chairman)
Riitta Aittokallio
Tarja Hettula
Jarkko Lehmus
Maria Anneli Moilanen
Anna Rouhu
Photo: Sari Palmgren
Kedja Wilderness
MAD is also a Kedja Wilderness organizer and partner. Wilderness is a series of unique residency opportunities for contemporary dance artist groups. The residencies will take place in 10 communities on the edge of the Nordic-Baltic region, offering artists a platform to explore, engage, create and present work in close proximity to wild nature and local residents.
The Wilderness activities take place between January 2013 and January 2015. Wilderness is one of the largest programmers in the Nordic-Baltic region which has contribution to regional development through artistic creation as a main aim. More information: http://www.kedja.net/?page_id=1075
Projects and contacts:
Pilgrim film development with Alla Kovgan and David Hinton
Project leader: Hanna Pajala-Assefa [email protected]
Loikka dance film festival
Artistic director: Kati Kallio, [email protected]
LoikkaPro workshops for dance film professionals
Project leaders Hanna Pajala-Assefa and Kati Kallio
[email protected], [email protected]
Loikka audience development, project leader: Kati Kallio, [email protected]
Kedja Wilderness: Project leader Sari Palmgren, [email protected]