EgoCure, directed by Synes Elischka, is a narrative virtual reality short film following a contemporary dance choreographer’s struggle to create a masterpiece, while facing a group of disinterested dancers, an unpleasant producer and the otherworldly curator – and simultaneously facing her own inner demons. The viewer is a part of the story and its events, eventually having an impact on the ending and solution.
This piece unconventionally mixes together a new technical approach of stereoscopic 360 video, CGI animation and interaction between the viewer and the art piece, stretching the limits of filmmaking.
Duration of the experience 30´(including guidance).
Screening every half an hour. To check the exact schedule, please view the timetable on the online ticket office. Please remember to show up on time. No late entrance.
Recommended age 10 years
Screenings at Annantalo second floor, Galleriakäytävä
This piece unconventionally mixes together a new technical approach of stereoscopic 360 video, CGI animation and interaction between the viewer and the art piece, stretching the limits of filmmaking.
Duration of the experience 30´(including guidance).
Screening every half an hour. To check the exact schedule, please view the timetable on the online ticket office. Please remember to show up on time. No late entrance.
Recommended age 10 years
Screenings at Annantalo second floor, Galleriakäytävä
EGOCURE (2017, FI, 20’00)
Director: Synes Elischka
Choreographers: Janina Rajakangas, Kaisa Kukkonen
Cinematographer: Theofanis Kavvadas
Sound designer: Jorma Kaulanen
3D Sound Designer: Unreal Engine Can Uzer
Production company: ELO Film School Helsinki / Aalto University
Producer: Mikko Asikainen, Pia Tikka
Director: Synes Elischka
Choreographers: Janina Rajakangas, Kaisa Kukkonen
Cinematographer: Theofanis Kavvadas
Sound designer: Jorma Kaulanen
3D Sound Designer: Unreal Engine Can Uzer
Production company: ELO Film School Helsinki / Aalto University
Producer: Mikko Asikainen, Pia Tikka
Banner photo: EgoCure (2017, FI) / Director: Synes Elischka /